IIF Grant Final Report

This form should be used if you have completed your project.

Specify if different from that proposed and why.

Upload Photos

4 photos minimum (8 maximum): High-quality, full resolution photos. A minimum of 2 photos of species and 2 researchers in action. Some will be included in the annual report, others on the IIF website. You may also include videos. Please label pictures as SurnameYear_1 (Example: Maryon2020_1). Include photographer credit and a short caption for each photo/video in a separate text file. In your photo description, include the scientific name(s) of the species and the names of people shown in the image, if relevant. Do not merge photos together as a collage.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, docx, rtf, Max. file size: 28 MB, Max. files: 8.
    Provide a brief overview of the project goal and objectives (300 words max).
    Describe the results of each objective and how these will help to achieve the overall goal of the project. Describe how this project will influence the conservation of the species and/or its habitat. Describe any key results that stood out. Non-sensitive data may be included, such as: numbers sampled, sizes, survey parameters, population estimates, etc. (800 words max).
    Describe the success of each objective using the methods for evaluation described within your proposal (for IIF Board only).
    Include an interesting or compelling (personal) story. Incorporate anecdotes within any of the sections above.
    Describe any future directions for yourself or what is needed for the project (200 words max). Include comment if additional IIF funding will be requested (for IIF Board only).
    Describe deviations from proposal with justification/lessons learned (200 words). Any deliverables not achieved should be discussed here (for IIF Board only).

    Budget Spreadsheet

    Use this link to download the file for your report. You will need to save any file type as a pdf to upload it.

    Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 28 MB.
    Please add any additional information you would like to share with the IIF Board. Make sure to specify the objective related to this information. May include sensitive information as this will not be shared publicly.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, docs, xlsx, xls, pdf, Max. file size: 28 MB, Max. files: 10.
      If submitted on time enter: N/A
      MM slash DD slash YYYY
      This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.