Grants Awarded
Each year, the International Iguana Foundation awards grants in order to initiate, support, and promote
iguana conservation projects worldwide. We are proud to partner with scientists, researchers, educators,
and organizations committed to saving iguanas and their habitats, and to preserving Earth’s biodiversity.
2024 * Three grants totaling $29,000 awarded
In December 2024, the Board of Directors of the International Iguana Foundation (IIF) awarded $29,000 in the following three grants.
Improving Nesting Ground Availability and Habitat Restoration for the Motagua Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura palearis), Johana Gil-Escobedo: $10,000
Phase II: Invasive Species Management of the Northern Raccoon (Procyon lotor) on Utila Island, Honduras, to Protect the Endangered “Swamper” Iguana (Ctenosaura bakeri), Tom Brown, Kanahau Utila Conservation and Research Facility: $10,000
Continuing the Conservation of Ricord’s Iguana (Cyclura ricordii) and Rhinoceros Iguana (Cyclura cornuta) in Dominican Republic and Haiti as a means of mitigating climate change, Ernst Rupp, Grupo Jaragua: $9,000
2023 * Four grants totaling $34,790 awarded
In December 2023, the Board of Directors of the International Iguana Foundation (IIF) awarded $34,790 in the following four grants.
- Consolidation of Motagua Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura palearis) habitat restoration and research, and of the youth iguana conservation task force “Iguaneros” in Guatemala, Johana Gil-Escobedo: $10,000
- Deploying Strategic Invasive Species Management of Raccoons (Procyon lotor) on Utila Island, Honduras, to Save the Swamper Iguana (Ctenosaura bakeri), Daisy Maryon and Tom Brown: $10,000
- Conserving Ricord´s Iguana (Cyclura ricordii) and Rhinoceros Iguana (Cyclura cornuta) in Dominican Republic and Haiti as a means of mitigating climate change, Ernst Rupp, Grupo Jaragua: $9,500
Reintroducing Iguana Food Plant Species to Monuriki Island, Fiji, Peter Harlow: $5,290
2022 * Eight grants totaling $91,105 awarded
The Board of Directors of the International Iguana Foundation (IIF) met in Miami on Saturday, November 5, and awarded $91,105 in the following eight grants. This is the first year that large tier ($25,000 max) grants (2) were awarded:
- Mitigating threats to the Lesser Antilles Iguana (Iguana delicatissima) in its last stronghold – Dominica, Jeanelle Brisbane, Wild Dominique: $6,300
- Consolidation of community-based conservation and research for the Motagua Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura palearis) in Guatemala, Johana Gil and Daniel Ariano, Heloderma Natural Reserve/Zootropic: $24,808
- Armchair Conservation: monitoring Galápagos Marine Iguana and plastic pollution using drones and Citizen Science, Jen Jones, Galapagos Conservation Trust: $10,000
- Securing the future of the Saint Lucia iguana: a newly described sub-species on the brink of extinction, Luke Jones, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust: $3,300.
- Advancing Conservation of Ricord´s Iguana (Cyclura ricordii) and Rhinoceros Iguana (Cyclura cornuta) in Dominican Republic and Haiti, Ernst Rupp, Grupo Jaragua: $9,500
- “Saving the Swamper” (Ctenosaura bakeri) Conservation, Monitoring, and Education, Daniela Sansur, Kanahau Wildlife Conservation Organization: $24,920
- Caribbean Iguana eDNA (CIE): conserving iguana diversity and safeguarding against invasions through terrestrial eDNA innovations, Kathryn Stewart, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University: $3,936
- Movement Ecology and Reproductive Migration of a Critically Endangered Iguana (Ctenosaura bakeri), Josiah Townsend, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Research Institute: $8,341
2021 * Eleven grants totaling $93,392 awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 12 November 2021 via Zoom
- Andino. Ecosystem-based Adaptation plan for the conservation of the Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura bakeri.
- Ariano, Daniel. Strengthening Heloderma Natural Reserve as a conservation education center and tree nursery for iguana habitat restoration of the iguana species of the Motagua valley, Guatemala. Ctenosaura palearis
- Bradley, Kelly. Conservation, applied research, and recovery of the Anegada iguana, Cyclura pinguis.
- Dykema, Zachary. Identifying Caribbean rock iguana critical habitat using fecal environmental DNA.
- Harlow, Peter. Reintroducing Iguana Food-Plant Species to Monuriki Island, Fiji.
- Jones, Jen. Armchair Conservation: monitoring Galápagos Marine Iguana and plastic pollution using drones and Citizen Science.
- Ki, Kwanho Claudia. Conservation of the Roatán Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura oedirhina.
- Rupp, Ernst. Advancing Conservation of Ricord´s Iguana (Cyclura ricordii) and Rhinoceros Iguana (Cyclura Cornuta) in Dominican Republic and Haiti.
- Sansur, Danis. Conservation of the Útila Spiny-tailed Iguana.
- Van den Burg, Matthijs P. Continuous monitoring and collecting hatchling data in support of recovery and conservation management for Iguana delicatissima on St. Eustatius.
- Andiano. Yucatan Spiny-tailed iguana, population surveys.
2019 * Eight grants totaling $49,597 awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 2nd December 2019 at Audubon Zoo, New Orleans, Louisiana
- Ariano, Daniel and Johana Gil. Expanding the elementary education program for the conservation of the Guatemalan Spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura palearis at the influence area of Heloderma Natural Reserve.
- Brisbane, Jeanelle. Assessing and mitigating threats to Iguana delicatissima on Dominica post-hurricane Maria.
- Goode, Ashley. Monitoring an Endangered Iguana (Roatán Spiny-tailed Iguana) and Increasing Local Capacity to Train the Next Generation of Researchers and Managers.
- Hope Zoo. Enhancing the Hope Zoo Headstart Program for the Jamaican Iguana (Cyclura collei).
- Macleod, Amy. Armchair conservation: monitoring threatened Galápagos Marine Iguanas using drones and citizen science.
- Maryon, Daisy. “Save the Swamper” Conservation outreach and population monitoring of Útila Spiny-tailed Iguana.
- Perez, Nestor. Reassessment of headstarting initiatives and population status of the Mona Island Iguana.
- Van den Burg, Matthijs. P. Natural history data of hatchling Iguana delicatissima to guide local and regional recruitment and conservation management.
2018 * Seven grants totaling $60,623 awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 3–4 November 2018 at Fort Worth Zoo, Texas
- Ariano, Daniel and Johanna Gil. Education for Conservation, Habitat Protection and Population Reinforcement of the Motagua Spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura palearis at Heloderma Natural Reserve and its Area of Influence.
- Bradley, Kelly. Conservation, Applied Research, and Recovery of the Anegada Iguana, Cyclura pinguis.
- Harlow Peter. Eradicating Cats on Monu and Macuata Islands, Fiji.
- Jones, Jen. Conservation of the Endemic Galápagos Marine Iguana: Quantifying the Emerging Threat of Marine Plastic Pollution.
- Maryon, Daisy. “Save the Swamper”, Conservation Outreach and Population Monitoring of Útila Spiny-tailed Iguanas (Ctenosaura bakeri).
- Pasachnik, Stesha, Daisy Maryon, Ashley Goode and Susannah French. Monitoring an Endangered Iguana (Ctenosaura oedirhina) and Increasing Local Capacity to Train the Next Generation of Researchers and Managers.
- Van den Burg, Matthijs P. and Adam Mitchell. Preventing the Loss of One of the Last Populations of Iguana delicatissima: the St. Eustatius Population.
2017 * Eight grants totaling $66,463 awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 29 October 2017 at Zoo Miami, Florida
- Ariano, Daniel. Reinforcement of Education for Conservation and Habitat Protection of the Endangered Motagua Spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura palearis at Heloderma Natural Reserve and its Area of Influence.
- Bradley, Kelly. Conservation, Applied Research, and Recovery of the Anegada Iguana, Cyclura pinguis.
- Gentile, Gabriele. Tracking the Galápagos Pink Iguana: Conservation of a Critically Endangered Flagship Species.
- Lovich, Kim. Completion of the IUCN Fijian Iguana (Brachylophus sp.) Recovery/Strategic Plan 2018–2023.
- Maryon, Daisy. Conservation Approaches, Population Monitoring and Nesting Ecology of the Critically Endangered Útila Spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura bakeri on the Island of Útila, Honduras.
- Pasachnik, Stesha. Monitoring an Endangered Iguana (Ctenosaura oedirhina) and Increasing Workshop Capacity to Train the Next Generation of Researchers and Managers.
- Rupp, Ernst (with Grupo Jaragua) – Integrated Conservation of Ricord’s Iguana (Cyclura ricordii).
- van den Burg, Thijs – Assessing the Taxonomic Status of the Iguana iguana Population on Curaçao and the Threat of Hybridization with Already Present Non-native I. iguana Lineages.
2016 * Eight grants totaling $65,471 awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 27 October 2016 at Los Angeles Zoo, California
- Ariano, Daniel. Community Outreach and Capacity-building for Long-term Conservation of the Endangered Motagua Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura palearis.
- Bradley, Kelly. Conservation, Applied Research, and Recovery of the Anegada Iguana, Cyclura pinguis.
- Goode, Ashley and Stesha Pasachnik. Monitoring an Endangered Iguana (Ctenosaura oedirhina) and Cultivating the Next Generation of Researchers and Managers.
- Lovich, Kim. Fijian Iguana Conservation through Long-term Survivorship Monitoring of Captive Head-started and then Released Crested Iguanas (Brachylophus) to Monuriki Island.
- Maryon, Daisy. Population, Hybridization, and Nesting Ecology of the Critically Endangered Útila Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura bakeri, on the Island of Útila, Honduras.
- Moss, Jeanette. Population Trends and Age-dependent Survivorship in Cyclura nubila caymanensis on Little Cayman: an Ongoing Study in Conservation Biology.
- Pellechia, Chris. Understanding Interspecific Interactions between Cyclura ricordii and Cyclura cornuta south of Lago Enriquillo in the Dominican Republic.
- Reynolds, Graham. A Phylogenomic Approach to Estimating Species Diversity and Evolutionary Relationships in West Indian Cyclura.
2015 * Nine grants totaling $83,053 awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 9 November 2015 in St. Augustine, Florida
- Ariano, Daniel and Johana Gil. Education for Conservation of the Endangered Motagua Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura palearis, as a Key Seed Disperser in the Seasonally Dry Forests Surrounding Four Rural Communities in Eastern Guatemala.
- Bradley, Kelly. Conservation, Applied Research, and Recovery of the Anegada Iguana, Cyclura pinguis.
- Campbell, Ashley and Stesha Pasachnik. Monitoring an Endangered Iguana (Ctenosaura oedirhina) and Cultivating the Next Generation of Researchers and Managers.
- Díaz-Juárez, Gabriela. Effects of Habitat Fragmentation and Hunting on the Genetic Diversity of the Threatened Oaxacan Spiny-tailed Iguana. Part 2: Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity of the Sister Taxa, the Yellow-backed Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura flavidorsalis) and Five-keeled Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura quinquecarinata).
- Lovich, Kim. Fijian Iguana Conservation through Development of a New Ranger Program for Macuata Island.
- Maryon, Daisy and David Lee. A Study of the Reproductive and Dispersal Behavior of the Critically Endangered Útila Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura bakeri, on the Island of Útila, Honduras.
- Moss, Jeanette. Mark-recapture Study and the Use of Radio Telemetry to Investigate Nest-site Selection of Cyclura nubila caymanensis on Little Cayman.
- Mukhida, Farah. Reintroducing Iguana delicatissima to Prickly Pear East, Anguilla, for Long-term Species Monitoring, Conservation, and Survival.
2014 * Eight grants totaling $61,927 awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 23 October 2014 at Miami Zoo, Florida
- Ariano, Daniel and Johana Gil. Assessment of the Seed Dispersal Ecosystem Service Given by the Endangered Motagua Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura palearis) in Guatemala, as a Tool to Promote In-country Conservation of the Species and its Habitat through Ecosystem Services.
- Bradley, Kelly. Conservation, Applied Research, and Recovery of the Anegada Iguana (Cyclura pinguis).
- Carreras De Leon, Rosanna and Stesha Pasachnik. Husbandry and Education Capacity Building to Support Cyclura Conservation in the Dominican Republic.
- Diaz-Juarez, Gabriela. Field Support to Study the Effects of Habitat Fragmentation and Hunting on the Genetic Diversity of the Threatened Oaxacan Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura oaxacana).
- Fisher, Robert. Assessment of Epiphytic Breeding-site Usage by Fijian Banded Iguanas (Brachylophus sp.).
- Moss, Jeanette. Nesting Ecology of Cyclura nubila caymanensis on the Sister Islands, Little Cayman, and Cayman Brac.
- Mukhida, Farah. Establishing Baseline Population and Distribution Data to Inform Population Recovery of Iguana delicatissima on Anguilla, British West Indies.
- Rupp, Ernst. Advancing Conservation of Ricord’s Iguana (Cyclura ricordii).
2013 * Seven grants totaling $52,550 awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 9 November 2013 at Brevard Zoo, Melbourne, Florida
- Bradley, Kelly and Glenn Gerber. Continuing the Headstart Program and Establishing a Unified Management Plan for all Cyclura pinguis Populations in the British Virgin Islands.
- Brocca, Jorge. Recovery of the Critically Endangered Ricord’s Iguana through Invasive Species Removal.
- Campbell, Ashley and Stesha Pasachnik. Nesting in the Roatán Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura oedirhina).
- Corneil, Jeffrey. Natural History, Demography, Range, and Threats of the Oaxacan Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura oaxacana).
- Fisher, Robert. Population Assessments and Conservation Genetics Analyses of Fijian Iguana (Brachylophus sp.).
- Ramirez, Luis and Stesha Pasachnik. Husbandry and Education Capacity Building to Support Cyclura Conservation in the Dominican Republic.
- Rupp, Ernst. Monitoring of Critical Habitat for Ricord’s Iguana and Restoration of Degraded Areas in the Dominican Republic.
2012 * Six grants totaling $47,130 awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 10 November 2012 in Fort Worth, Texas
- Bradley, Kelly. Conservation, applied Research, and Recovery of the Anegada Iguana, Cyclura pinguis.
- Campbell, Ashley and Stesha Pasachnik. Ecological and Genetic Evaluation of Roatán’s Spiny-tailed Iguanas (Ctenosaura oedirhina).
- Fisher, Robert. Population Assessments and Conservation Genetics Analysis of Fijian Iguana (Brachylophus sp.).
- Rupp, Ernst and Masani Accimé. Supporting Local Communities of Haiti and the Dominican Republic in Conserving Populations of Ricord’s Iguanas, Cyclura ricordii.
- Wagener, Tarren and Glenn Gerber. Rescue and Relocation Program for the Critically Endangered Turks and Caicos Iguana, Cyclura carinata.
- Williams-Guillen, Kim and Cesar Otero-Ortuno. Population Assessment and Environmental Education to Conserve the Endangered Five-keeled Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura quinquecarinata, in Nicaragua’s Paso del Istmo Biological Corridor.
2011 * Six grants totaling $43,590 awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 12 November 2011 in Fort Worth, Texas
- Bradley, Kelly and Glenn Gerber. Conservation, Applied Research, and Recovery of the Anegada Iguana, Cyclura pinguis.
- Campbell, Ashley, Stesha Pasachnik, and Stephen Hudman. Ecological and Genetic Evaluation of Roatán’s Spiny-tailed Iguanas (Ctenosaura oedirhina).
- Fouraker, Michael and Kelly Bradley. Increasing the Effectiveness and Output of Two Cyclura Headstart Programs through Increased Oversight, (Cyclura collei and Cyclura pinguis).
- Iverson, John B. Emergency Relocation of Allen Cays Iguanas (Cyclura cychlura inornata) for Mouse Wradication.
- Pagni, Lee. Action Plan Publication and Implementation Review, Cyclura Species and Iguana delicatissima.
- Watling, Dick. Urgent Conservation Action for the Yaqaga Island Iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis) in Fiji.
2010 * Five grants totaling $59,418 were awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 15 November 2010 in Miami, Florida.
- Accimé, Masani and Ernst Rupp. Core Support Funding for Ricord’s Iguanas in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
- Ariano, Daniel and Luis Alvarado. Increasing Local Capacities for the Conservation of the Critically Endangered Ctenosaura palearis in the Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests of Eastern Guatemala.
- Bradley, Kelly and Glenn Gerber. Sustaining the Anegada Iguana (Cyclura pinguis) Headstart Program in 2011.
- Fisher, Robert. Population Assessments and Conservation Genetic Analyses of Fijian Iguana (Brachylophus sp.).
- Pasachnik, Stesha. Conserving Roatán’s Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura oedirhina) through Research, Education and Outreach.
2009 * Five grants totaling $59,869 were awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 26 October 2009 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Bradley, Kelly and Glenn Gerber. Maintaining the Anegada Iguana (Cyclura pinguis) Headstart Program in 2010.
- Fisher, Robert. Banded Iguana (Brachylophus sp.) Species Assessment of the North Eastern Fijian Islands.
- Pasachnik, Stesha. Conserving the Roatán Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura oedirhina) through Research, Education, and Outreach.
- Rupp, Ernst and Masani Accimé. Implementation of Species Recovery Plan Activities for the Critically Endangered Ricord’s Iguana (Cyclura ricordii) in the Dominican Republic and Haiti – a Bi-national Program (Core Program Support, 2010 – 2012).
- Wagener, Tarren and Glenn Gerber. Investigating Intra-island Translocation as a Conservation Strategy for the Turks and Caicos Iguana (Cyclura carinata).
2008 * Four grants totaling $30,913 were awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 11-12 November 2008 at the White Oak Conservation Center, Florida.
- Accimé, Masani. Investigation of Socioeconomic and Cultural Issues Affecting Cyclura ricordii Populations in Anse-à-Pitres, Haiti, with a Comparative Study in Pedernales, Dominican Republic.
- Gerber, Glenn and Mark Welch. Population Monitoring, Post-hurricane Impact Assessments, and Reproductive Ecology of the Turks and Caicos Iguana.
- Hines, Kirsten. Physiological Impacts of Tourism and Food Supplementation on Endangered Bahamian Iguanas.
- Pasachnik, Stesha, Edoardo Pineda, and Jeffrey Corneil. Geographic Distribution of the Honduran Paleate Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura melanosterna, in the Valle de Aguán, Honduras.
2007 * Five grants totaling $54,464 were awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 15-16 December 2007 at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Orlando, Florida.
- Grupo Jaragua. New Conservation Measures for Ricord’s Iguanas (Cyclura ricordii) in Haiti and Continuation of Conservation Activities in the Dominican Republic.
- Harlow, Peter. Last Chance to Maintain Genetic Diversity in the Fijian Crested Iguanas, (Brachylophus vitiensis).
- Pagni et al., Lee. Outreach for Recovery: Activities and Materials to Improve the Conservation of Six Cyclura Species.
- Pasachnik, Stesha and Edoardo Antunez Pineda. Geographic Distribution of the Honduran Paleate Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura melanosterna) in the Valle de Aguan, Honduras.
- Wilson, Byron. Core Support for the Jamaican Iguana (Cyclura collei) Recovery Program.
2006 * Five grants totaling $39,940 were awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 13-14 November 2006 in Puerto Rico.
- Gerber, Glenn. Conservation and Management of the Turks and Caicos Iguana, Cyclura carinata.
- Inchaustegui, Sixto, Yvonne Arias, and Ernst Rupp. Estimation of Ricord’s Iguana, Cyclura ricordii, Population Densities and Reproduction, and Implementation of Conservation Measures in the Pedernales Province, Neiba Valley (Dominican Republic), and Anse-à-Pitres (Haiti).
- Montgomery, Chad. Status and Conservation of the Black-chested Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura melanosterna, in the Cayo Cochinos Archipelago.
- Morrison, Suzanne, Peter Harlow, and Scott Keogh. Conservation Biology of the Critically Endangered Fijian Crested Iguana, Brachylophus vitiensis.
- Pasachnik, Stesha. Molecular Evaluation of the Ctenosaura melanosterna Clade.
- Wilson, Byron. Production of the Jamaican Iguana Species Recovery Plan Document.
2005 * Five grants totaling $31,864 were awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 9-10 November 2005 in South Andros, Bahamas.
- Bradley, Kelly and Glenn Gerber. Conservation of the Anegada Iguana: Public Education, Headstart Optimization, and Nest Protection.
- Burton, Fred. Restoration of a Second Subpopulation of Wild Grand Cayman Blue Iguanas, Phase Two.
- Keogh, J. Scott, Peter Harlow, and Suzanne Morrison. Conservation of the Critically Endangered Fijian Crested Iguana.
- Perez-Buitrago, Nestor, Stephan M. Funk, W.O. McMillan, and Miguel Garcia. Development of a Cost-Efficient and Effective Monitoring Program for the Mona Island Iguana Population.
- Rupp, Ernst. Emergency Request to Grupo Jaragua for a Ricord’s Iguana Population Survey on the South Shore of Lake Enriquillo, Dominican Republic.
- Wilson, Byron. Jamaica Iguana Recovery Program.
2004 * Five grants totaling $48,550 were awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 3 April 2004 at Miami MetroZoo, Florida.
- Burton, Fred. Establishing a Second Subpopulation of Released Grand Cayman Blue Iguanas, Cyclura lewisi.
- Gerber, Glenn and Kelly Bradley. Maintaining and Optimizing the Headstart Release Program for the Anegada Iguana, Cyclura pinguis.
- Hayes, William. Translocation, Population Surveys, and Habitat Restoration for the Bahamian Iguanas, Cyclura r. rileyi and Cyclura r. cristata.
- Morton, Matt and Karen Graham. Conservation Biology and Management of the Saint Lucian Iguana, Iguana iguana.
- Vogel, Peter and Byron Wilson. Conservation of the Critically Endangered Jamaican Iguana, Cyclura collei.
2003 * Five grants totaling $67,230 were awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 23 March 2003 in New Orleans
- Burton, Fred. Expansion of In Situ Captive Facility for Grand Cayman Blue Iguana, and Start-up for Local Revenue Measures to Staff the Facility Sustainably.
- Feistner, Anna T.C. Reproduction and Survival in St. Lucian Iguanas: Breeding Females, Dispersing Hatchlings, and Assessing the Role of Headstarting.
- Gerber, Glenn and Kelly Bradley. Conservation and Management of the Anegada Iguana.
- Inchaustegui, Sixto. Cyclura ricordii Population and Habitat Surveys in the Pedernales Province of the Dominican Republic.
- Vogel, Peter. Jamaican Iguana Conservation and Recovery Program.
2002 * Five grants totaling $48,000 were awarded
Annual Board of Directors meeting 27 April 2002 in San Diego, California.
- Anegada Iguana Recovery Program.
- Malone, Catherine. Iguana Surveys in St. Lucia.
- National Trust for the Cayman Islands. Enhancing In Situ Captive Management for the Grand Cayman Blue Iguana.
- Vogel, Peter. Conservation of the Jamaican Iguana.
- Wilson, Bryon. Ongoing Assessment of the Mongoose Removal Program in the Hellshire Hills.